Safe & Controlled

Use of mobile devices by all family members


What does it control?

  • Mobile Use

  • Calls

  • Text

  • Apps & Games

  • Photos

  • Location

  • Interface

  • Lock

Mobile Use

Phone4Family lets parents and kids use their mobile phone safely and responsibly. It lets them control everything kids can do on their mobile devices and set limits when they are at school, at night etc. Parents see their kids mobile phone activity in the administration web or mobile site.


Parents can select the contacts kids are allowed to make calls to and receive calls from easily on the mobile device or remotely via the administration tool. They can even synchronize contacts between multiple kids in the family.

Text messaging

Parents also manage the contacts kids are allowed to send SMSs to and receive SMSs from. This way no unwanted messages can reach your kids mobile phone.

Apps & Games

Parents can select the applications and games their kids are allowed to use and how much time they can play for per day. This way kids can get full access to educational and useful applications and avoid harmful applications.


Kids love taking photos and Phone4Family allows them to use their mobile device camera and gives them a series of funny effects that will even impress the adults! All photos are safely uploaded to Phone4Family cloud and parents can access them from anywhere via their administration web or mobile site.

Location tracking

Parents can see their kids location at all times. They can even set specific locations (geo-fences) and get alerted when their kids enter or leave the area (arrive at school, leave home etc). Phone4Family keeps the family together wherever its members are.

Fun User Interface for all

Phone4Family comes with a fun and easy-to-use user interface. It comes with several themes designed to fit kids of all ages.

Lock device if stolen

In the sad event of a device being stolen, Phone4Family allows parents to lock down the device so it cannot be used and their kids data are safe. Its location tracking might also help you find it.

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